Malia, The most famous Salon Romances by Francesco Paolo Tosti end the masterpieces of the Neapolitan Song
IL Salotto Musicale dell’800
Concerto Spettacolo
Le più belle arie da salotto di Francesco Paolo Tosti e Canzoni Napoletane d’autore
The most famous Salon Romances by Francesco Paolo Tosti end the masterpieces of the Neapolitan Song
A very nice show which will take you in a 1800 musical living room with musicians in original dresses
“Una serata all’insegna della leggerezza e della raffinatezza, per un originale spettacolo di notevole qualità artistica, creato con l’intento di dare corpo alle suggestioni (di volta in volta appassionate, tristi, allegre ed esilaranti) evocate dall’ambiente e dalla situazione, ricreando, con l’esecuzione di arie da camera e romanze da salotto, valzer, canzoni napoletane d’autore e la lettura di poesie e brani letterari, quella che era la tipica atmosfera dei salotti borghesi e nobiliari dell’ottocento.
Calatevi in questa deliziosa atmosfera d’epoca…
Vi aspettiamo! Siete tutti invitati!!!”
“An evening of gracefulness and elegance, for an original show of remarkable artistic quality, created with the intention of giving substance to the suggestions (from time to time passionate, sad, cheerful and hilarious) evoked by the environment and by the situation, to recreate the typical atmosphere of the bourgeois and noble salons of the nineteenth century, with the execution of chamber and salon music, arias, waltzes, Neapolitan writer’s songs and the reading of poems and literary passages.
Come into this delightful period atmosphere …
We are waiting for you! You’re all invited!!!”
Copyright 2025
(Tutti i dirittti riservati/ All rights reserved)
Bruna Tredicine, soprano
Tiziana Pizzi, contralto
Massimo Simeoli, baritono
Emilia Nigro, violino
Mirco Roverelli, pianoforte
Sabato 25 gennaio 2025 ore 19.30
Sabato 31 Maggio 2025 ore 19.30
St.Andrew’s Church of Scotland – Chiesa Scozzese
Via XX Settembre 7, 00187 Roma
*It is also possible to make reservations and payments for the chosen tickets with the Paypal address info@amrds.it, by letting us know the number and type of tickets and then entering directly (with name)
N.B. for organizational reasons, payments are only accepted in CASH; the only online payment available is PayPal.
0039 3335219956
- Sito Web Evento: https://www.amrds.it
- Email: info@amrds.it
- Telefono: 00393335219956